I’m always paranoid that if I start to write a blog post in
the library, someone will recognize that I’m on blogger and therefore know that
I’m writing a blog post and somehow that is embarrassing to me…
So I am currently writing this in a word document. Ha haaa, tricked ya!
There is currently a couple sitting across from me.
And like all couples, they are sitting extremely close,
And when they talk to each other their noses basically
And when he whispers in her ear his nose is basically inside
of her ear.
And this always makes me feel uncomfortable.
Like, heck yes, lovey doveyness is so great. But when it’s
in the library it always freaks me out.
But who knows? Maybe I would be like that if I was in a
Although I think I would not… because I don’t like to make
people feel uncomfortable.
But maybe I’m the only person who is weirded out by fairly
mild PDA?
I don’t know. It’s just the closeness of the faces that
always gets me.
Like even when talking about school or the most mundane
things, the faces have to be 1 centimeter apart. This makes me uncomfortable…
it just… doooooees!
Wow, they have no idea I’m writing about them. Hahaha. For
some reason that’s funny.
Crap... I wonder if people sitting across from me in the
library ever blog about me.
People like me are why I’m so paranoid.