Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

I'm about to be melodramatic.

I'm sitting on my couch right now on Halloween doing nothing. It's not that I wasn't given options of things to do - I just am in that stupid hazy mood I get in sometimes where I know I would hate being around people. Why, hazy mood.... Why must you be here right now?????? I think it came once I realized I didn't have a costume. And that sucks. Because it's Halloween. And I didn't get out of class until 9 flipping PM! And I'm in college and sitting on my couch!! And I can't even watch a Halloween movie because our cable isn't working. Guys. This is lame. I know I'll feel better in one hour when I'm out of stupid hazy mood. But right now I'm really bummed, because my desire to do something is just as strong as my desire to avoid people. I hate this mood more than I can describe.

Thanks for letting me vent. I just hate missing out on the fun because I can't get out of a funk. (Please no "You are the master of your emotions" comments.) It's ok. As my roommate told me.. I have the rest of my life to celebrate Halloween! This is just one I'm missing. And, I DID go on a "haunted" ski lift ride last night. So I got my Halloween fill somewhat. But my heart is sad that I never dressed up or did anything crazy fun. :( Ahhhhh.

Okay. It's all good. (See? I just have to write out my emotions and then I feel better.)

K. 1.5 hours left of this night. We'll see what happens. Happy Halloween my dear friends. I genuinely hope you're having a great, fun, spooky night. <3


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