Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pondering in the Periodicals

I'm sitting in the periodicals right now (a certain section of the BYU library) where I've studied a bajillion times before. And I'm realizing that this is one of the last times I'll ever study in here... Maybe even the last. It's crazy! /: And I just wanted to write down and remember that I love it here, and that there really is such a special spirit here at BYU. In this huge room of hundreds of students are so many amazing people. Sometimes it's truly overwhelming being surrounded by SO MANY amazing people, but sometimes it's the best feeling in the world. If anything has ever been a testament to me of the truthfulness of my faith, it's the amazing, well-rounded, Christ like people it produces. Seriously, that's what it always comes down to for me. You just can't fake something like that. I'll miss you BYU. ♥


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