Wednesday, May 25, 2011

jennie's getting an iphone say whaaat?


last night I ordered an iphone.

a beautiful, white iphone.
the same night of my last post, lee and I were ooing and ahhing over the new white iphone. and I just brushed it off not thinking I could ever actually have one.

cuz, you know, those things are expensive. and really cool. and just one of those things that you never expect to have because you're not the kind of person that got $1,000 for graduation, y'know?

but then my dad e-mailed me yesterday and told me to pick a phone for my upgrade.

and I was like ........................................................ can I get an iphone?

and he was like ...................................................... sure.

and then I proceeded to be like, ................... are you joking me?

and he was like, negative. and I was like. woah. yeah. so.. okay. alright. YEAH!!

the sad thing is I'm not even that excited cuz of the apps or that it can hold music or anything. I'm honestly excited because it's white and beautiful. and has a touch screen that works. because my touch screen hasn't worked for at least a year. awesome.

white. :)

I'm not rascist, by the way.

so... like... in 1-2 days.. I'll have an iphone!! ..?! it doesn't feel real. I'll be in denial until I open that bad boy up! well.. girl. cuz she'll be a girl.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :))


Sadie Crookston said...

I have never loved you more than I do now.

I'm not racist.

Duh. A girl. Goes without saying.

JENNNIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!HHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! A little jealous, not gonna lie. A lot jealous.

That thing is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

Jordan said...

You're life is now complete.
Prepare yourself for the best. thing. ever.

Taren said...

welcome to the club. the grass is greener on our side ;)

Samantha said...

Lol you are too funny....but I agree new phones are awesome :] And speaking of awesome, your photography skills definitely fall in that category!

Twells said...

Congratulations, Jennie. I'm super jealous. I have an Android, which is like the Bing of the phone world.

It's great. And it would be awesome. If the better one didn't exist.

Enjoy it, lucky person.

KariElle Thalman said...

hahahhahaaa!!!! yayyy!!! you SO NEEDED A NEW PHONE TOO!!!

and you do love white appliances.
i think you need to have some white scriptures like in the temple.
and definitely a white camera some day.
speaking of, have you ever gotten that light thingy? it's white.

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