Monday, October 25, 2010

10 Things I Hate (About You! ...... jk. you're cool. :))

1. really cold wind.

2. when people disrespect authority figures.

3. being late. (because I always am...)

4. being late because of someone else the one time I would have actually been on time.

5. when one person starts putting their stuff away in class followed by everyone putting their stuff away before the teacher is done talking. (see #2)

6. mood swings.

7. taking a test and thinking you know every answer and then realizing that apparently you were wrong. like today. when I missed 10 questions and thought I missed none.

8. when people call other people ugly. that person is a child of God. I'm pretty sure He doesn't think they're ugly.

9. how I worry so much about what others think of me.

10. hating things.


Twells said...

You make me smile, Jennie.

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