Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Why does staying on your couch always seem so enticing compared to getting in your bed? Like, you know sleeping on the couch in your jeans is not going to be as comfortable and you're going to wake up with a sore neck because of how high the arm is.. But you still want to stay on the couch..

I think it's because you (okay, let's be real, I) want to enjoy this moment and slow down time. Or.. Something.. Poetic-y.. Like that. I don't even know. Just tell me I'm not alone and let's figure out this weird phenomenon together. Also I just dropped my phone on my face. I wish I could say that doesn't happen ALWAYS.

Also, after thinking it was quality time for a while, I'm starting to think my love language might be words of affirmation. HmmMmMMmm?

Goodnight. <3


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