Friday, March 8, 2013


You guys.

Yoooouuuuu guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyssss.

Today has been one of the most draining days my brain has ever experienced.

Like, I just... ahh!! I am literally a little faint because of how tired my brain is. It's weird. Typing is really hard right now. I feel like I'm on drugs. (I'm not.)

A bunch of us just turned in our last assignment of this psycho week (I never want to hear the word Sennacherib again), and minutes before the deadline!! Seriously, such a rush. Too much of a rush. Too close of a call. Never doing that again. (Right.)

During. Notice the inability to move facial muscles.
After. Notice the sheer joy. And Mikkel's creepy mustache.

Why sheer joy, you ask?

Because this week of 5 papers and 6 tests is done.
And we only have 2 classes for the entire rest of the semester.
Which means so, so, so much more time to ... BE! (and blog, eep!)
Aaaaaand, I don't know... something about getting on a plane on Sunday morning.
To go to Turkey.
For a week.
:D :D :D

Yes friends. I pulled out the "D" face. This is a big deal.

I am a happy pappy and I love you all!!!



Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you!! I even feel relieved. Enjoy your time in Turkey!! Love you, MOM

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