Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Fabulous Friday

Me and my roommates in class. :) Oh how we love having class 4 hours in a row... (Not.)

Assembling hygiene kits like I mentioned in this post. It was seriously SO fun! But our wrists hurt really bad after rolling up hundreds of towels haha.

Anne was having a really good time. :)

2100 kits baby!! Best feeling ever.

Walking to the Western Wall!! We weren't allowed to take pictures at the actual wall because they were welcoming in the Sabbath. But that's why it was so AWESOME because it was soo crowded with hundreds of Jews and they were all singing and partying. The women and men were divided, and the men were having more of a party while the women were more just singing hymns. It was really beautiful. And funny when some of our BYU guys joined in on the men's party. :P I kept getting that one song from Prince of Egypt stuck in my head haha.. that's what they sounded like!

About to watch Indiana Jones for our Friday Night Movie! Professor Stratford told us a bunch of cool behind-the-scenes facts. Most were hilarious. He's always rocking the bow-tie.


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