Sunday, January 27, 2013


This was the first time a bunch of us went out of the Center just for FUN!
Ohhh how my soul needed this day.

First stop: Aladdin Money Exchange!

SADIIEEEEEE!!:) (No. This isn't Sadie. But it's people she knows. I freaked.)

Notes from previous BYU students. LOVE!

My first money exchange! The bills are so pretty here!

Then we went to Omar's. He's famous with BYU students for his original olive wood carvings. He is an amazing man with an amazing story. I can't wait to buy something from him! But I'm going to take a couple of months to think about it. ;)

He's met like 4 prophets! Lucky!

And he gave us free olive wood rings! :)
About to enter the Old City through Damascus Gate!

FOOD. We were starving. Anne is the best.

Shabbon's! :) I probably spelled that wrong. He's another popular guy with the BYU students. He makes Jerusalem scripture cases (already bought one!) and Jerusalem Center hoodies and shirts. :) We love him!

SAAAADDDIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In another shop I can't remember. I might have died. SADIE. THIS IS SO WEIRD!!!

Ibrahaim's shop! He made us all rings on the spot. :) Only 10 shekels and I've actually worn it every day since which is a big deal for me!

OUR RINGS! Mine's bottom right.
This was his idea. He is so precious. Haha.

Just having the time of my life. Nbd.

WE LOVE RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP BREAD!!! (And spices. We love spices.)

Pointing to our home. :)

Oh and we found heaven on the way.


Unknown said...

Im pretty sure Ashley loves heaven way too much. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

I love all these pictures!! You know I'll need a Nativity set at some point - you may have to mail it to me! The rings are beautiful! And I love your red shoes!!!!


Amy said...

Bread and chocolate. You are indeed in heaven. I I want a Nativity set as well. I'm loving the one in the pic of Mary on the donkey. Is Joseph leading the way? Let me know how much these things are going to cost so I can start saving my pennies. Take more pictures of other options please so I can make a decision on which ones I want to buy. :)

And Lisa, we seriously need to get you a google account so you aren't anonymous anymore!! :)

Unknown said...

I'm. DYIIIIIING. I know exactly where the shop with my face in it is. That's where I bought the hamsa that hangs from my rear view window! Brock and Stacy. They would send their invite to jerusalem. I say that, but I wish I would have thought of it. You best be finding my note on that wall. Shabbon will always tell you what a reasonable price is for something even if he doesn't sell it. If you don't want to get gipped ask him what you should expect to pay.

I would like to take this moment to remind you that I once lost my camera in the old city and then found it a few days later.

I'm sorry I haven't emailed!!!!! I keep wanting there to be something awesome that has happened but nothing comes up. I WILL DO IT.

Anonymous said...

There's an Alabama banner in that shop. What's an Alabama banner doing in a shop in Jerusalem? Haha, cool!
Also, in that picture of all of you in Shabban's (the same one with the Alabama banner, haha) you totally look like your head is attached to the girl in the orange shirt. So it looks like your head is on backwards & is too big proportionally. I had to think about where you actually were in that picture, haha.

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