Sunday, October 9, 2011

hiking the Y

so the same day as my awesome revelation, I hiked the Y with one of my roommates, bronwyn, and our 7th roommate, mitchell! yes. he is a boy. (no.. he does not really live with us..) :) as is homecoming tradition, a bunch of people hike up the Y and "light it" (turn on lights that stay up there all week!). it looks so cool from below to see a lit-up outlined "Y" on the mountain! anyway, we hadn't planned on doing this, but bronwyn randomly got really excited about the idea... and she convinced mitchell and I to go with her, even after everyone was done lighting it! they lit it at 6. we hiked it at 9:30. :) even though I was tired and had to get up early the next morning, I knew I wanted to go because it was just going to be FUN and memorable and I'm so obsessed with not having any regrets anymore!! I'm going to enjoy life while I can! therefore, WE HIKED!

 on our way!

let's just say mitch was prepared.

 my friends are wonderful.

bronwyn. so pumped.

like really, she was excited. :)

mitchell was too. promise..

provo from the trailhead. basically 8,935,346,582 times better in real life.

some other friends met us up there - this is brenna!! I adore her. that is all.

bronwyn went cray-cray and climbed up the steepest shortcut in the universe.

don't worry. she rocked it.

hiking the Y is harder than it looks...
(random wet spot on my shirt say whaaaat?)

almost there!

I can seeee ittt!

when we got to the top, we HUNG UPSIDE DOWN! (I promise it was way more terrifying than it looks.)

I was so scared when it was my turn. bronwyn and mitchell were holding my feet down and then gradually lowered me back. I was so scared to let go of their hands.. and then suddenly I felt HANDS on my back lowering me down safely!!!! when I checked to see... no one was there....

just kidding. :D it was totally a random awesome nice guy. :) but if it was an angel that would have been such a cool story!! his name was trent. and I loved him at that very moment.

 I took a picture upside down... but this really doesn't do it a microscopic amount of justice. you just have to hang upside down on a mountain sometime overlooking a city. ;) IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!! the sky was cloudy and so it looked like a foggy ocean.. like pirates of the caribbean! it was basically UHMAZEING.

random awesome nice guy took my picture for me. thanks trent! surriouusslllyyy one of the coolest moments ever!!

sitting on top of the Y, pondering life..

and then it started to rain so we became gangsters, clearly.

it was awesome. third time I've hiked the Y! woot! one time for each year of college.. haha.. that's not that impressive.. but don't worry.. that number will grow. :)

also, we were super lucky because we got up there about 20 minutes before they turned the lights off and took them down due to the CRAZY RANDOM FREEZING RAINY SNOWY WEATHER that occupied the next 2 days.... but that is another blog post. :)

hope your sunday was wonderful! I know mine was. I wish every day was sunday. <3


Emilee said...

you guys are the cutest and most fun! i wish i had hiked it with you!

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